Q-Trap Mode

Systems with four traps can operate in Q-Trap (Quad-Trap) Mode. This enables all four traps and switches the second detector to Trap 4 instead of Trap 2.


In the Bluelake timeline the force will still be labeled Trap 2.


  1. Enable the Q-Trap switch in the “Power controls” tab of the control window, which will perform the following actions:
    • Switch the “Tracking” laser to 100% power. This laser is used for force detection of Trap 4 (labeled Trap2 in the timeline) in Q-trap mode. The laser is not automatically turned ON (i.e. no emission) for safety reasons, the user needs to turn it ON manually.
    • Set the “Q-Trap Split” ratio to 66.67%; this will distribute the laser power equally into Traps 1&2 and 3&4. If you like to adjust the power ratio between Traps 1&2 and 3&4 to a different setting, you can use the slider “Q-Trap Split” for it. With the “Trap 1 Split” slider you can tune the ratio of the laser power between Trap 1 and Trap 2. The ratio of laser power in Trap 3 and Trap 4 is always equal.
    • Reset the force calibration as the values in dual mode are not valid anymore and a new calibration is required.
    • Trap 3,4 and 3+4 become visible in the user interface.
  2. Turn the “Tracking laser” ON. To ensure the safety of the user the laser is not automatically turned ON.
  3. On the force detection box, raise the lever to switch to the 980 nm detection which is still labeled as Trap 2 in the timeline but could correspond to another trap based on the system configuration.
Device / Mode Dual Trap Q-Trap
Tracking laser OFF - 0% Power OFF - 100% Power (user needs to turn it ON)
Q-Trap split 0% 66.67%
Force detection box lever LOW HIGH